Solid Bowl Decanter Centrifuge
Decanter Centrifuge
Decanter Centrifuge

Alfawest supplies New and Used, but refurbished decanter centrifuges made by Alfa Laval, Gea Westfalia Separator, Sharples, among others.

Thanks to an extensive general overhaul and delivery with a mechanical guarantee, the Decanter / Centrifuge supplied by us fulfil the highest quality requirements.

Alfawest supplies almost all the types of decanter centrifuges available on the market:

  • Two Phase Separation Decanter (Solid Bowl Centrifuge) / Clarification Decanter (Liquid – Solids Separation)
  • Tricanter/ Three Phases Separation (Liquid- Liquid – Solids Separation)

Most of the time our Decanters Centrifuge are supplied with new PLC systems and control panel enable a trouble-free integration in the existing manufacturing process and realize the characteristics of a new machine.

All our Decanters are customized and tested before delivery. We have one of the best delivery time and price.

Decanter Centrifuges Process:

Decanter centrifuges are “solid material oriented” industrial centrifuges which can process liquids / suspensions with high solid material contents (up to ca. 50% by volume).

Typical areas of use are:

  • Clarification of liquids and suspensions
  • Thickening of sludges
  • Dehydration of sludges and suspensions
  • Washing
  • Classification (wet classification of solid materials in a suspension according to grain size)
  • Extraction
  • Separation of 3-phase mixtures (two fluid phases, insoluble in each other, and a solid material phase).

Decanter centrifuges are “solid material oriented” industrial centrifuges which can process liquids / suspensions with high solid material contents (up to ca. 60% by volume).

Typical areas of use are:

  • Clarification of liquids and suspensions
  • Thickening of sludges
  • Dehydration of sludges and suspensions
  • Washing
  • Classification (wet classification of solid materials in a suspension according to grain size)
  • Extraction
  • Separation of 3-phase mixtures (two fluid phases, insoluble in each other, and a solid material phase)


The bowl consists of four parts. A large end (or front) hub, a cylindrical section, a conical section (or extension) and a small end (or rear) hub. On the hubs are the main bearings and the bearings for the conveyor, the drive pulley and the gearbox adapter.

The conical section has one (or two) row(s) of solids discharge openings. The discharge openings are in most cases lined with replaceable bushings or liners made from abrasion resistant material such as stellite or tungsten carbide material.

The large end hub has four or more liquid discharge openings.

Some types have pressurized liquid discharge by means of a paring disc (centripetal pump) placed outside the large end hub.

The bowl is driven by an electrical motor, via V-belts and pulleys.


The conveyor rotates slowly relative to the bowl thus conveying the sediment towards the solids discharge openings in the small end of the bowl. The axial advancement of the flight in one turn is the pitch. The conveyor usually is single flighted, but some have double (two start) flights. The flights are either perpendicular to the centre line or have a forward inclination (canted flights).